Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A little about my Work

Ok lots of my post will mention my work, one thing that will help to make some things more clear is knowing how and where I work lol

I work, for those that don't know or haven't read my profile... at the Milan Army Ammunition Plant (MLAAP), on the Fire/EMS dept. This website , it is more for marketing to other companies to sub-lease operating space, but gives some good info about the plant in general and some good aerial pictures. As you may read, the plant complex is over 22,000 acres, so you could compare the place to small county. Each operating line is like it's own factory complex in said county. The contract to operate the facility requires there to be an onsite 24/7 Fire/EMS dept.
Everyone on the Fire/EMS dept is at least an EMT and there is at least one Paramedic per shit.  We have a Class A rated EMS service. We are only responsible for call on the plant, so it is not quite as busy or "glamorous" lol as other departments might be. However of those currently employed all but one has worked in EMS and/or Fire Services before coming here, so most of us have "been there" before.  We are mainly about fire prevention and safety rather than putting one out, although we can do that too.  We regularly inspect the fire suppression systems and alarm system around the plant, make safety inspections as it related to fire safety. We also do annual prescribed burning to clear certain foilage areas.  I have joked that I've started more fires there than I've put

Below is a sample of my schedule:

It may seem "weird" but it is actually pretty good after you get used to it. Would be hard for me to go back to a 8-hour day, 5-day work week now. One good thing you may notice is we get 5 days off every 3rd weekend. We have to have a minimum number of people on duty, so when one person takes off, someone else has to cover that slot. When you here me speak of working an extra shift, depending on when it is, it could mean I've worked a triple (72  hours straight), but at the same time, it's not like I've been "making little ones out of big ones" the whole time. The longest stretch I've ever worked was 7 days (-8 hours), from Fri on week 2 thru Thu on week 3. I was of the 3p-11p the 3rd week Wed, but worked the 7a-3 and the 11p-7a Although that was a good check, made was glad to be home!!! That was done at time my children weren't staying with me, otherwise probably wouldn't have been gone that long. But now it is only my youngest, who is 17, staying with me now.
So that's it in a small nutshell, not as detailed as I could be, but maybe more than some wanted anyway lol
Take care,
Steve Fall

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday afternoon with my son.

This afternoon had a hankering to play Guitar Hero on the Wii for some reason lol.  Got my son to help me get it set up and asked if he wanted to play too.  Set up a playlist of about 8 songs and played.  I stayed pretty close to him, of course didn't hurt that he was playing on expert and me on beginner LOL.

I then asked him if we wanted to get out of the house for a bit.  I had been thinking about it, wasn't sure if I wanted to get out on bike or in the truck, but did want to just get out.  He said he wanted to go, so we loaded up in the truck and headed out.  First stop was the Underwater Bridge in Perry Co. (35.68646, -87.98668) Those from the area know where and what it is, but for others, it basically just a place were the creek passes over the roadway. After we got there just set and enjoyed nature a bit. Matt skipped a few rocks. A couple of more vehicles also crossed while we were there.

After we left the underwater bridge I showed him were Lady's Bluff (a.k.a. Lady Finger's Bluff) (35.68825, -88.01304) Info at We didn't stop but drove on down to the end of the road where the creek empties into the river.  Hopefully someday soon when we have more time and I am in better shape he and I can come back and walk the trail.
We then took some back roads of Decatur Co, Fire Tower Rd to Mouse Tail Rd and then down to the Bussektown National Wildlife Refuge, which is directly across the river from Lady's Bluff. We took Bunches Chapel Rd back and cut across on Odos Graves Rd to Walter Garret Rd, back to the highway and then home.
Had a good time, think he enjoyed getting out learning some new places and I learned that maybe he isn't totally fed up with his old man yet. :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Well how the hell things been going with you?  Not so great for me, it's taken me a bit to calm down and gather myself enough to try and type a blog, I may not remember all that's happened.... and that may not be all bad.

Got the truck in the shop last Monday (8/5/13) and was given a rental car, a LITTLE rental car lol. 2012 Chevy Sonic (pic below) it really wasn't a bad car, just took figuring a few things out.  But with a 25 mile a day limit, didn't really drive very much anyway. I let Matt drive it one night to pick up friend, but after I thought about it, didn't any more.  Not so much because don't trust him as much as he simply just wasn't on the rental agreement.  Already wondering how going to come up with deductible for truck, no way could pay for a whole repair out of pocket.  On the not of deductibles, I remember a time where the shop could kinda "help you out" with the deductible and maybe you wouldn't have to pay all of it (or any of it) but I guess those days are over with everyone having access to the same info and such. I guess that may be why you  don't have to get 2-3 estimates anymore, the insurance company pretty much knows the shop can't over charge them.

2012 Chevy Sonic
Work is pretty much work.  Overall still a good place to be, but there are certain things that are just crappy.  But complaining is almost like bitching didn't get chocolate syrup on ice cream, while knowing others didn't even get supper. But at the same time, if you were promised syrup or lead to believe there would be syrup, you do kind of want it.....right?
My youngest son has ADD (Not same as ADHD, except he isn't hyperactive) he is on medication for this. Ok to back track a bit, he had problems early in school, I thought it might be ADHD or the like, but at that time that diagnosis was easily given and meds quickly prescribed and I didn't want that unless he needed it. However they came a point something had to be done, so went through all the motions, he stated meds and thing were TREMENDOUSLY better. So kick myself in the butt for not doing it sooner.  Since then doctors keep a check on him, I keep check with teachers at school and so on, so things, as far as that part goes, are good.  The trouble is, I didn't know the med he is on was worth its weight in gold on the street.  Growing up I never had to deal with such things or even as an adult and he was younger it wasn't a real issue.  But as he got older apparently certain "friends" knew this.  Like a FB post I made, that maybe you saw, when I was young my father taught me quick not to mess with other people's stuff. I would also have to say that apparently most of my friends' fathers had done the same. But I guess now a so-called friend will take your shit right out from under your nose. Because after a week of having a new prescription, he now has NONE. Now that is not to say my son is totally blameless, I still haven't figured out why his "friends" knew he was on medication, what it was or where it was.  Also with out getting into it, there had been other issues in the past that he was directly more responsible for. Because of that no real reason to call the law and it would be a he said, he said thing anyway, I have no proof other than access. Even if I could get Dr to write new script, no way I could pay for it out of pocket, so guess this will just be a long month for him.
When dropped my truck off at shop, they said should be about 4 days to Friday evening or maybe Saturday,  I was looking for a call....that never came. Sunday at a belated swimming birthday part for my grandson they called and said it was done, had meant to call Saturday and just got busy and forgot.  But anyway, say I will come in first thing Monday morning to pick it up. I drive it to work Tuesday, notice it is pulling to the right....and something neither the shop or I noticed the first time a dent on underside of driver's door.  Think the dent came from nerf bad getting kicked up into it, the bar was loose after the accident. Just in a hard place to see and not on impact oh well.  Go back to the shop when I got off Wed afternoon.  Alignment is correct the say, had swapped tires and pulled to left with tires switched, so problem with there you are, I guess. I know I need a new set, but just another expense can' t handle at the moment.  But they are going to fix dent. Bad thing is I'm without a vehicle again for a couple of days, no rental this time. I guess could have done that,  but I was just too tired and  upset to mess with it.  Not I like I really need to go anywhere or would anyway I guess.
Seems like a few other things that have been pissing in my cheerios, but not recalling them at the moment.   To continue on that idiom most of the things that have been going on would be just a small amount of piss in my cheerios, probably not even enough to notice, but when you have several things taking a whiz, it adds up.  LOL....I really like how I explained that.  Sometimes I think life is like that in general, people always pissing in your cheerios, it's just how many you have doing it, how much they do it and how fast you can eat them to try and stay ahead of the taste.
Ok, think I'll end on that semi-high note lol Be well and thank you for your time.
Steve Fall

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Well, well, well

So what's new with you? I think I have finally set the comments up where maybe more people can comment on my post now if they choose to.  I have worked 32 hours OT this week.  Glad to have it and really need the money, but it has made for a long week.  Especially considering this was the week for school registration. Even though my youngest son only went to another school for half a semester last year, he still had to transfer back to school here, which was a bit more paperwork than normal.  But hopefully that is all taken care of and he starts his first day of his senior year tomorrow. Hard to believe I am old enough where my youngest is a senior and will be 18 in a few months. Of course a good thing from that I guess is a bit more of being to maybe think more about me, which is good and bad.  I will also have my truck paid off about that same time, so that will be nice also.

Speaking of my son and my truck...he had a little accident in it yesterday.  Thankfully he or no one else was hurt and there isn't "too" much damage (pic below). Apparently as another vehicle came around a curve it was over the center and caused him to take the ditch to miss it. I am/wasn't too upset considering some of the accidents I had when I was young.  I was at work and had taken my motorcycle, I almost always ride my bike when I can anyway, saves so much on fuel, but I have also let him use my truck some just so he wouldn't be "trapped" at home.  However I think he had got a little to used to it being at his disposable and maybe using it a bit more than I intended originally.  So maybe this has been a bit of lesson for both of us....just hope it isn't too expensive of a one. Will run it by the shop tomorrow, see what they have to say and go from there.

There is a bit more that you can't see, quarter panel does not match up with hood and door like it's supposed to. Also, probably out of alignment as well.

Overall everything else still pretty much the same I reckon. Part my fault, part my circumstance, part the universe's fault and I'm sure a few other things... I just seem to be stuck in the same old same old routine. I mean as above there are hiccups thrown in, but I am speaking more of my social situation (or lack there of) than anything else.
Guess that is enough for now, peace out....