So what's new with you? I think I have finally set the comments up where maybe more people can comment on my post now if they choose to. I have worked 32 hours OT this week. Glad to have it and really need the money, but it has made for a long week. Especially considering this was the week for school registration. Even though my youngest son only went to another school for half a semester last year, he still had to transfer back to school here, which was a bit more paperwork than normal. But hopefully that is all taken care of and he starts his first day of his senior year tomorrow. Hard to believe I am old enough where my youngest is a senior and will be 18 in a few months. Of course a good thing from that I guess is a bit more of being to maybe think more about me, which is good and bad. I will also have my truck paid off about that same time, so that will be nice also.
Speaking of my son and my truck...he had a little accident in it yesterday. Thankfully he or no one else was hurt and there isn't "too" much damage (pic below). Apparently as another vehicle came around a curve it was over the center and caused him to take the ditch to miss it. I am/wasn't too upset considering some of the accidents I had when I was young. I was at work and had taken my motorcycle, I almost always ride my bike when I can anyway, saves so much on fuel, but I have also let him use my truck some just so he wouldn't be "trapped" at home. However I think he had got a little to used to it being at his disposable and maybe using it a bit more than I intended originally. So maybe this has been a bit of lesson for both of us....just hope it isn't too expensive of a one. Will run it by the shop tomorrow, see what they have to say and go from there.
There is a bit more that you can't see, quarter panel does not match up with hood and door like it's supposed to. Also, probably out of alignment as well.
Overall everything else still pretty much the same I reckon. Part my fault, part my circumstance, part the universe's fault and I'm sure a few other things... I just seem to be stuck in the same old same old routine. I mean as above there are hiccups thrown in, but I am speaking more of my social situation (or lack there of) than anything else.
Guess that is enough for now, peace out....
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