The below video and text is taken from:
This Video Explains the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy
The key to being empathetic is to not judge the other person, or try to paint an unwanted or unhelpful silver lining around their problem, and to instead recognize what they're feeling. You're not trying to solve the problem for them—since often statements usually don't solve problems alone—the goal is to let them know you're there and that how they feel matters to you. Doing so, however, requires you be aware of your own emotions and fragilities, which can be hard for many people.
That said, there's a time for sympathy too. As long as it's not judgmental, trying to help someone find a silver lining or even a distraction from a pressing problem has its place as well. The real skill to be learned is when empathy is appropriate, and when sympathy is appropriate, and what message you send to the people in your lives with each. Hit the video above or the link below to see more.
My Thoughts
While based on this video I have to admit I may not have fully understood the definition of Empathy and Sympathy, I have long know the difference. Many times I have complained that I felt others were being "dismissive" of my problems when I expressed them, well guess as it turns out, they were showing "sympathy". I never heard "at least...." as much as "It could be worse." which is about the same thing. Although "It could be worse." at times has seemed like a challenge to karma to try and make things worse. But as stated in the video, many times I'm not looking so much for someone to point out a "silver lining" as much as an understanding of how I actually feel. Whether from your prospective it seems reasonable or not. I admit at times, even when what has bothering me may have passed or eased, it will still bother me that others never understood and that can then itself be something that bothers me. I guess this could all make me sound needy and emotional wreck or so on, but regardless it is who I am I reckon. I have never forced anyone to be around me, so if you don't want to be, don't want to put up with me....then don't.
Anyway, not wanting to get preachy or anything....just found this article yesterday and really liked how explained the difference between Empathy and Sympathy and wanted to share it.
Take care,
Steve Fall
I try to listen, I have not been where you are