Thursday, July 25, 2013

Not dead


Well as some may have noticed but I'm sure more haven't, I haven't had much to say lately. Although that is not entirely accurate.  I have had plenty to say or plenty on my mind, just no real desire to write it down. Most of the time it seems people think you are just looking for sympathy etc... if you complain about things or mention struggles in your life.  That is not always the case, most of the time I talk about such things I am hoping it will help others understand why I say or do certain things, why I'm feeling a certain way. We all deal with things differently, we've had different experiences, coping mechanisms, support and so on.

I'm an over-thinker, always have been and it's appearing always will be. Every-now-and-then it is actually a good thing, but most of the time it can overwhelm me in many situations. One thing that makes it difficult is when you only have yourself to discuss things with.  I find myself going in circles at times.

Guess I'm going to go for now, just thought I'd post some little something.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Well I'm not dead lol Just not much to say I guess. Which doesn't mean there isn't a lot on my mind, just as usual don't even know where to start as far as telling it. Still having really weird dreams. Still letting things get to me that shouldn't. Still thinking too much. I have noticed I seem to be isolating myself some. Although I did get out of the house for a while Friday morning after getting home after work. Also went to the Jackson Generals game that night. As I said its really hard to explain. 

Anyway was just thought I'd check in. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday 07/10/13

Good morning,

     Went to the urologist this morning and things are still improving and looking good, so that is some good news.  Since this appointment was locally at the hospital instead of his office in Jackson ran into several people I know, so that was kind of nice.

     Got out for a little motorcycle ride yesterday afternoon, mainly just to get out of the house.  I feel like I spending too much time just sitting here and I guess waiting for something to happen. It's so weird, I was joking around, kidding and cutting up with just about everyone at the hospital from friends, to the medical staff to the janitorial staff, but I still feel socially awkward at times. One problem I know is over analyzing or over thinking things too much.  At the hospital didn't really  have time to do that, so it was better.  Anyway... If you would like to see the details of my ride check here

     I don't really want to go into details, but another thing that has been weighing on me a bit is some dealings with my ex-wife and out youngest son. He lives with me but had stayed a little while with her and left under no so good circumstances.  Well when he went back to get the rest of his belongings there was some misunderstanding on whether a couple of items had been given to him to have or to borrow and it blew up into another situation.  I think it's all said and down now, but it was really just an unnecessary headache and hassle.

     I have been off work since July 3 afternoon, I go back tonight and work till Fri morning and will be off for 5 days again.  I will explain my schedule for those that may not know it at some later point.  I think it has helped to be away some.  It's not a bad place at all to work and I get along with most everyone, but I guess we can all use a little time away every-now-and-then.

Take care,

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My first Blog


     I used to "blog" fairly often back in the days of having a Yahoo 360 account. Now with Facebook they have their "Notes" feature, but for some reason it's never seemed the same.  So I decided to start an actual blog. 

     What I post, how often I post etc... just depends on may factors.  In the past sometimes it seemed maybe I shared a bit too much information.  As I learn some of the privacy setting on here there may be some blogs that are more detailed if I can control who can view them.  I also think I may want to post video blogs at times.  As you may have noticed I blog in a way that looks like a letter to a single person as opposed to a group.  I just always felt this was more personal for me and the reader(s).

    I think I will bring this introduction to an end.  There are many things on my mind at the moment, need to see if I can organize my thoughts enough to talk about some of the things in a blog.

Thank for reading,

Steve Fall