Sunday, October 20, 2013

My weekend

Well as I said in my previous post, I took this Saturday (yesterday) off.  I had wanted to get and do something this weekend.  Something being just about anything other than sitting at home, so in that sense I guess I did.  Friday night a little before 7:00, later start than I had intended I got out and drove through town...just seemed dead to me, which is normal around here actually.  I drove toward the river and passed a couple of the local bars along the way, didn't really seem like much going on their either, especially the one I've been to before and would be most likely to go to again.  But really I'm just not much of a bar person... I know the drinks are more expensive because you are paying for the atmosphere etc... but also I said in my previous post, I usually end up sitting there alone, observing instead of participating.  So I figure I can do that at home for a lot I know I need to get involved, but that's another blog (although also partially addressed in my previous blog).  So anyway, I drove on past and ended up at a place known locally as "Pearl Harbor" or at least that is what we called it when I was a teenager.  I is just a boat ramp with a large parking area on the Beech River close to where it empties into the Tennessee River. I backed into a spot with the truck facing the fool moon, over the river.  I rolled down all the windows and reclined the seat back a bit and just relaxed and enjoyed the quite.  It reminded me younger days, getting out with friends, sitting by the river etc...  Stayed for about an hour, which was about as long as it took me to smoke my cigar lol and then headed back home.  It was cool, but not too bad.

Ok, now it's Satruday, after a couple of great college games (TN and Vandy winning) I'm going to actually do something today....well....again didn't really turn out like that.  Another run through town and pass toward the river, about the same observation as the previous night.  However tonight I head back toward town trying to think of something, but really wasn't coming up with anything.  Well sitting by the river worked last night, maybe it can again tonight.  But I wanted a different spot and maybe some refreshment this time.  So stopped and grabbed a six-pack and headed to Broadies Landing. Another boat ramp on the Tennessee River although there is an area south of the ramp that is more open. There is also a road just before the river that goes to the north that has a a couple of parking areas off it, but chose not to go that way.  Full moon again and fog already on the river made it just a tad eerie lol. There was a group down the other road I talked about, heard them hollering etc... and could see the headlights of their vehicle, was actually a bit of entertainment to some degree lol.  Was quite a bit cooler than the night before, but still enjoyed it.  Was chatting with a friend on Facebook, so wasn't totally alone I guess :) Fog kept getting thicker over the night. A barge passed going up river, heard it for a long time before I could see it.  Again with the fog was creepy, but not in a bad way lol.

I know I've left a few things out probably, hopefully it all still makes sense.  Hope you have a great up coming week.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Hello Again

So, guess I took a bit of a break huh?  Sorry about that, it really wasn't like I didn't have anything to say. Maybe it was that I had too much to say or too much going on.  If there was some way to transfer what was on my mind without my having to sit and actually type it, I would probably clog the internet with blogs and you'd probably run scared lol. I think one thing I may try to do is post several smaller blogs.  For some reason I had in my mind that a blog should almost be a short book, but that really isn't the case, is it?  So that was the trouble, I'd wait until I had a lot to tell, but then I wouldn't feel like typing it all out. I can have OCD about some things, like if I'm going to you about Story A, I want to tell you as many details as I'm comfortable with and not leave anything out.  Also it doesn't seem I get as much feedback on my blogs I do on Facebook post or even when I would do a Facebook note.  Of course feedback is not necessary, at the end of the day these blogs are more for me to just speak my mind etc also I guess for the their to be some sort of Need something to base the movie on, right?

So, even though I've been through a few things since my last blog, my current condition is still pretty much the same as last time. I did "date" a gal for a short time, believe it or not she was one that wanted move a little faster than I was comfortable with. It's just I've learned the hard way if you try to change too much, too soon it can end bad.  Have a had a couple of nice motorcycle rides, even one with company on the back! :), but most of my riding been back and forth to work.  But that's ok, it's about an hour ride, I really enjoy it and it helps me save on gas.

For those that remember my blog about my schedule, I'm on Week 2 (if not "A little about my work" blog) but I have taken this Saturday off. Yesterday I was pretty lazy, but that's ok, I think everyone is entitled to a day like that occasionally.  Need to do a few things today, which hopefully as soon as I'm done with this blog I will get started After that I do plan/want to do "something" either tonight or tomorrow night.  One idea is a steak dinner in Jackson another may be to try to find a place with some live music.  I just don't really know, I have become somewhat of a homebody, which in some ways is ok... I mean I don't feel I "have" go out all the time to have fun or enjoy life.  I guess by go out I sort of mean "party" and not just leaving the house.  But at the same time that doesn't mean I want to sit home all the time either.  My biggest trouble is it can be hard for me to engage others, so when I do go out, I end up sitting where ever I'm at quietly and alone, then I think I could do this at home and save a lot of money lol.  Now I know some are thinking, well just talk to someone!!! lol and I agree it is that easy in theory, but it isn't that easy for me.  I watched a show once with a guy that had a coach right there with him trying to get him to talk to strangers and it was still hard for him even with the guy pushing him.  As I was typing this I got reminded of a organized bike ride I went on a few years ago. It ended up Fat Daddy's there were several people there I knew, but other than making a bit of small talk with the person next to me I was pretty much just an observer.  Well one gal at table with one person I knew, saw me and just came over and grabbed me and brought me back to the table where the group was.....I had a blast the rest of the day, joking, laughing, talking etc... but had she not come got me I'd probably left a lot earlier never really talking with anyone.  Not sure what the purpose of all that was, but figured I'd share it anyway lol

Ok, guess that is enough for now, going to try and get somethings done and hopefully it won't be too long before I'm sharing more than you want to know about me again :)

Take care,
Steve Fall